BCF ORG Podcast - The Business of Business
The Business of Business, topics are divided into 5 Categories: Management, Operations, Sales, Financial, and Personal.
Target Audience is Business Owners, C-Level Executives, and Management.
Helping you run a successful profitable business.
BCF ORG Podcast - The Business of Business
#96 - Executive Leadership Growth with Jim Bishop
Episode 96 discusses Executive Leadership Growth, with Jim Bishop.
Jim brings his hands-on executive development experience and actionable insights to you.
Episode Benefits: You will hear how to improve your Executive Leadership Skills. Hear the difference between Good Leaders and Great Leaders.
This Podcast series is targeted to Business Owners and C-Suite Executives. It reflects my 34 years as a Business Owner and subsequent years as a Business Mentor and Consultant. It focuses on the various subjects and topics to help you run a successful profitable business. They are approximately 15-minutes long so you can listen while commuting.
Let Jim help you! Listen now to gain actionable strategies for improving your Executive Leadership Skills. Reach out to me to be put in contact with Jim.
The Business of Business, topics are divided into 4 Categories: Management, Operations, Sales, and Financial.
Helping You Run a Successful Profitable Business !
For Business Consulting or to be a Podcast Guest - Contact me at: www.bcforg.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-fisher-72174413/